Saturday, March 6, 2010

Week 2

So it is week 2 and I still have not set a pinky in the water. I am thinking that my Spring break will be more of a Spring Ironman. But as I write that I also remember that people really do this race in one day. I have a good friend in California who does the Hawaii Ironman. She also raises 2 boys and is a real estate agent. Oh and she also started a company that is going to be hugely successful. (Everloop: like facebook but for preteens and teens)
So now I really feel like a slacker. Suzanna and Theresa are putting up some good miles! Congrats to you both. I have 14 miles on my run and a big zero on the rest. No weight loss but that may have something to do with the french onion dip and chips.
Gotta to bball and more bball. I will think about putting on the speedo and bathing cap...I know, not a good visual for me either.


  1. Ok - so I got 2 miles in on the bike. Yes, that's right. Two whole miles. Basically, I have no idea how I'm going to get the bike miles in. I guess it's not over until it's over. Total swim as of Sunday is 4.75 and run total is 23.5. No weight loss either. Very depressing. But on the up side, no weight gain!

  2. I am still at only 2 miles on the bike and still asking myself how I will be able to do an additional 110 miles by Easter. Someone should put some money on me not making that goal! As of yesterday, I am at 2 miles for the bike, 6.75 miles swim, 50 miles for the run, 0 pounds lost. Heading on spring break tomorrow. I think my new goal will be to see how much weight I can gain. That should prove to be much more fun! Keep going girls!
